Friday, February 24, 2017


                                                                       Why I Write.

I write because I always have something to say. I write because it takes my mind off the negative

things that go on in life. Writing is an escape I resort to in order to be heard even if know ones

listening. I write because it's fun, I enjoy it, I enjoy writing because I can write about anything I want,

there's no format, you just let it flow. I started writing when I was about 14. I had a knack for putting

words together and decided to go with it. I was inspired by Queen Latifah and Lauryn Hill because

before music, hey were independent women with a strong opinion, and after the music they still are.

If I were forbidden to write I'd have to go ahead and take the death penalty because I won't hold my

tongue for anyone and my perspective is absolutely worth being documented.

                                                                                                                         - Jada M


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