Tuesday, February 7, 2017


                                                                  THE BIG BATTLE

                  Last year, a girl patience stood up to the biggest bully on the planet. See, patience was a

tiny nerd with giant glasses that pretty much covered her face and she dressed like she was a tomboy

from the 90's. I got sick to my stomach every time I heard her wheels from her heelys roll down the

hallway. The sound of is reminded me of a teacher scratching the chalk board with their nails, it

irritated me. For that I already had my reservations about patience. She was an outkast. If you went to
our school you would realize she looked like a banana in a batch of strawberries. She was just plain

weird, well to me at least. Her presence always gave me a rash like a child with chicken pox. I just

wanted to scratch her so would go away. Me on the other hand, I thought I was pretty cool. Imagine a

5'1 brownskinned girl, with a ponytail, naturally had a thing for air jordans and loved the sound they

made when she walked, it was kind of a low clap, a semi tomboy with girly girl behavior. That was

me. But that's besides the point. Although I despised her, I felt sorry for her the way she got bullied

and treated like a rag doll. Patience became more fed up then the women R. Kelly was talking   

about in his song  'When a Women's fed up". It was last Friday that I thought I was witnessing

Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier, the way patience decided to stand up to her bully. Patience balled her

fist up so tight it looked like a crumpled piece of paper. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked as if

someone had killed her best friend. Next thing I knew her and the bully were exchanging blows kinda

like they were playing tether ball because each hit was going back and forth.. Finally Mr. Johnson the

p.e teacher came running down the hallway, sweat dripping down his face, and damn near running

over students trying to stop this epic pay per view match up. Watching this madness all I could

hear in my head was The instrumental from my favorite Souls of mischief song playing over and

over , the beat was to '93' til', a hip-hop classic. I'm not sure why that's what I heard but it seemed to

go with the scene perfectly. While Mr. Johnson separated the two girls you could hear the bully tell

patience it wasn't over. Patience said back to her wit the taste of blood in her mouth, and oddly with a

smile, your damn right it's not over, I want the bullying to stop once for all, so how about we end this

without violence. I challenge to a rap battle. The bully was frozen like a popsicle just staring at

patience searching for words like a wordless dictionary. She snapped  out of it and replied back to

patience while laughing but somewhat looking afraid like a child about to get beat, oh hell yea it's on

next Friday, afterschool, 3 o clock in the quad, be there bitch. Patience replied I will be hoe, and so

the date was set. Fast forwarding to the day of the battle. Patience was studying the lines she wrote    

like she was preparing for a test, the bully thought she could freestyle a couple of bars on the spot and

would once again prevail at embarrassing patience. 3'o clock couldn't come fast enough that day, they

watched the clocks in each of their classes like a hamster chasing a wheel. At last it was time for the

battle. Someone was gong to leave victorious like the nickelodeon show, and someone was going to

be the weakest link like the old school game show. Everyone was swarmed around the two girls like

bees around honey. They stared each other down before proceeding to speak. The bully took a

step forward and spit her intellectual lacking version of a rap. It went something like, "stupid bitch I

will slap you into next week, nobody likes you yo breath stink, your ugly and you have no friends, its

a good thing you don't have a boyfriend because then i'd take your man, your a geek and you look

like a elf, going against me is bad for your health, I'm done battling you your just straight trash, I

might as well just go back to beating your ass". Directly after her last line the crowd of adolescents

cheered as if she had just won the state championship. I guess they forgot patience didn't go

like a parent forgetting their child at the store. Regardless they calmed down, and let her say her

piece. Patience cleared her throat as if it was scratchy, and said her verse, she announced, "Me against

you that shit's not fair, you can't even make a ponytail with her short ass hair, your a punk your a

bully and you straight up suck, how you gone call me ugly when you look like a duck, you said you

can take my man, but little did you know I already had your boyfriend, does that make you mad?

don't you wanna go and cry, I'm killing you with these words and I don't even have to try, your way

beneath me like a coaster to a drink, next time you agree to battle me you better stop and think,

patience is a virtue, and I don't have to beat yo ass for me to hurt you, I'm hotter than a oven on 400

degrees, you colder than a sick child with a contagious sneeze, you thought you gonna win but that

could never be, I clearly just proved that your not and never will be better than me." THE WHOLE


PATIENCE, PATIENCE, over and over until the bully gets close enough to patience to see the    

pimples on her face, smiles at her, shakes her hand and walks away. Patience was definitely a virtue.

She prevailed like a true underdog should have. She didn't let a dumb ass bully tear her down like the

twin towers. She gained confidence, like a body builder gains muscle. And I learned lessons like a

lecture that day as well. It was after that rap battle I learned to never bully anyone again.

                                                                                                                               - Jada M

1 comment:

  1. Nice setup of the character. Good descriptive details throughout.
